Saturday, October 29, 2011

Social Networks

For my first PTP I decided to explore and learn a bit more about to use for a class social network.  Here is the link to the network I created

I decided to learn about because I really want to create a community of learners in my classroom, where students can share cool, interesting things related to our topic of study and where they can serve as resources for each other.  I believe if I can integrate using the social network into assignments then I can really get the students to be looking out for things to share with one another, and to help answer each others questions. 

I also wanted to learn because I think having students interact with experts is a really important part of science education.  By introducing the students to working and interacting with professionals I can help open up possibilities for future careers and education plans.  Students will also have another resource to use when questions arise.  Using a social network would play an important role in fulfilling this goal.  Not all experts can leave their jobs and come talk to high school students, but they can jump on-line and answer a question or two and share any new information with them. 

I thought of some instructional activities I could use this for while I was creating it.  I think in order to get students using and interacting on the network I'd give points for asking and answering questions and for posting relevant links.  I'd also have them create groups for projects they are working on and have requirements for what information needs to be shared there (so I can look at it too to check progress).  There is also a blog section.  I think I'd give students a blog assignment to write a scientific article about a topic they are interested in and have them share it there.  These can address the following Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • 2a.  Read and look at books and other scientific materials voluntarily
  • 3a.  Know and explain science information specified for their grade level
  • 4b.  Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication

So what did I learn?!  Well, first off, there are SO many things I can do with this network.  I believe it could become really interactive and help extend learning beyond the walls of my classroom.  But I also learned that because there is so much I can do with it, I'll need to be very thoughtful of how I actually use it.  I don't want it to become one more place students spend all their time on.  I want to encourage smart use, not just use for the sake of using.  Secondly, I was very impressed with the privacy and permission levels I have control over.  I think this will be key to keeping my students safe on-line. 

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