Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Internet Safety Part 1

  1. What were the most important things I learned from the readings?
    • I loved the article about secure easy to remember passwords. 
    • Monitoring sites that have been visited, and having a regular routine to erase the history so that if it is erased at an irregular time it can be an indication that something isn't right
    • I also like the tips for keeping facebook accounts safe and secure.
  2. How will what I have read influence my actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
    • I will use better monitoring techniques to help nip bad habits in the bud.
    • I will also encourage the use of using different ways to search for things like on-line encyclopedias for assignments
    • I will also create a list of favorites and bookmarks for my students to start their searching from
    • One thing that is key is to teach students and youth what to do if they encounter something online that is unwanted.
  3. How can I use what I have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
    • I can share articles with family and friends... espeically those whose children are just starting to get interested in online social interactions
  4. What internet safety issues am I likely to face as a teacher and how will I address them?
    • I think that some of the issue I might face as a teacher include too much online time for my students, cyber bullying, being off task when using the technology, and potential viewing inappropriate material.
      • I would assume that the school would have a filtering system, but I can be a proactive voice in my school and community for better filtering and protection on school networks.
      • I think by using technology thoughfully and having activities that are really engaging I can prevent many issues like being off task and only using it when it enhances learning
      • I can also encourage and assign things for students to do that is just as engaging but doesn't use technology so that they can learn to balance their time
      • As for cyberbullying, I think I need to be very aware of the dynamic in my classrooms and create a safe place for any student to come, so that they have a feeling of belonging.  I will also not hesitate to report anything I might see or hear regarding bullying.
Resources I watched:

Resources I read:

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