Monday, December 12, 2011

Comment Away!

I visited Austin's site to watch his virtual chem lab...

Then I stopped by Chris M.'s video..

Learned about how to save gas at Zephne's blog...

Earlier I watched Tanya's photosynthesis video...

Finally finished with Time on Chris's


I have 5 little nephews, some of who are really getting into the computer thing lately.  I'm currently living with one of my brothers, his wife and their boy, so I decided to talk to them a bit about internet safety and things to think about before their boy starts to use the internet.

I think the experience went well, they of course were more than willing to listen.  We talked about why it's important to decide now how to handle computer time, and setting up parameters for what information is shared and what is not.  I think most people have some basic general ideas of what to do and what not to do, but it was good to talk specifics.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Internet Safety Part 1

  1. What were the most important things I learned from the readings?
    • I loved the article about secure easy to remember passwords. 
    • Monitoring sites that have been visited, and having a regular routine to erase the history so that if it is erased at an irregular time it can be an indication that something isn't right
    • I also like the tips for keeping facebook accounts safe and secure.
  2. How will what I have read influence my actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
    • I will use better monitoring techniques to help nip bad habits in the bud.
    • I will also encourage the use of using different ways to search for things like on-line encyclopedias for assignments
    • I will also create a list of favorites and bookmarks for my students to start their searching from
    • One thing that is key is to teach students and youth what to do if they encounter something online that is unwanted.
  3. How can I use what I have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
    • I can share articles with family and friends... espeically those whose children are just starting to get interested in online social interactions
  4. What internet safety issues am I likely to face as a teacher and how will I address them?
    • I think that some of the issue I might face as a teacher include too much online time for my students, cyber bullying, being off task when using the technology, and potential viewing inappropriate material.
      • I would assume that the school would have a filtering system, but I can be a proactive voice in my school and community for better filtering and protection on school networks.
      • I think by using technology thoughfully and having activities that are really engaging I can prevent many issues like being off task and only using it when it enhances learning
      • I can also encourage and assign things for students to do that is just as engaging but doesn't use technology so that they can learn to balance their time
      • As for cyberbullying, I think I need to be very aware of the dynamic in my classrooms and create a safe place for any student to come, so that they have a feeling of belonging.  I will also not hesitate to report anything I might see or hear regarding bullying.
Resources I watched:

Resources I read:

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Here is my video....

I've used Imovie before to make a slide show presentation, but making a movie was a lot different. I thought I'd just jump in, and watch tutorials as I got stuck. I watched quite a few tutorials.... I can see the value of making and viewing these videos. I'm a little cautious now to have my students create one, it took me a LONG time and I'm not sure that using my content teaching time is best used teaching to use Imovie. If I had a tech. teacher willing to partner with me on a project, and all my students were in that tech. class I could see assigning the making a movie to my students as a project. It could be used as an assessment for the student to demonstrate what they know about a topic. I know I did some more research to make sure I knew what I was talking about in my video... so I'm sure students would gain a lot by preparing to make the video!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Story Board

Well, here's the story board I came up with. It took me quite awhile to figure out what I wanted to do a movie about, so the story board is sort of bare bones. But the movie won't be!

Abbie's Story Board

Friday, November 11, 2011


I decided to learn how to use Prezi!  I've seen a few classmates use it in other classes and I really enjoyed their presentations (a lot more than the typical power point).  So I thought ir I could learn how to make the delivery of content a little more exciting, attractive and interactive than a power point I'd be set.

Here's the Prezi I made for my last PTP:

Prezi is such a fast, fun way to put together a presentation.  The instructions they let you watch are really straight forward and once I saw those I had no problems using the software.  I like that it automatically saves your work as your going along.  It's also is really fluid.  I can drag and drop things where ever I want.  I can group things together and ungroup with ease.  Placing photo's and video was a cinch!  It's also really visually pleasing.  I like this because students can see how information is organized in a concept map, and not always as linear as a power point presentation.

I could see my self using Prezi to organize my own concept maps with a lot of links to resources I'd like to use for specific topics.  I would then perhaps use a simplified (clean-up) version for my students.  I think I'd easily post these up for students to use as a review.  I could also see letting my students add on to the concept map as part of their assignments.  I think it would be cool to have students create their own concept map and use it to teach another person as a study aid.

This could be used for just about any state core standard!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Social Networks

For my first PTP I decided to explore and learn a bit more about to use for a class social network.  Here is the link to the network I created

I decided to learn about because I really want to create a community of learners in my classroom, where students can share cool, interesting things related to our topic of study and where they can serve as resources for each other.  I believe if I can integrate using the social network into assignments then I can really get the students to be looking out for things to share with one another, and to help answer each others questions. 

I also wanted to learn because I think having students interact with experts is a really important part of science education.  By introducing the students to working and interacting with professionals I can help open up possibilities for future careers and education plans.  Students will also have another resource to use when questions arise.  Using a social network would play an important role in fulfilling this goal.  Not all experts can leave their jobs and come talk to high school students, but they can jump on-line and answer a question or two and share any new information with them. 

I thought of some instructional activities I could use this for while I was creating it.  I think in order to get students using and interacting on the network I'd give points for asking and answering questions and for posting relevant links.  I'd also have them create groups for projects they are working on and have requirements for what information needs to be shared there (so I can look at it too to check progress).  There is also a blog section.  I think I'd give students a blog assignment to write a scientific article about a topic they are interested in and have them share it there.  These can address the following Intended Learning Outcomes:
  • 2a.  Read and look at books and other scientific materials voluntarily
  • 3a.  Know and explain science information specified for their grade level
  • 4b.  Use precise scientific language in oral and written communication

So what did I learn?!  Well, first off, there are SO many things I can do with this network.  I believe it could become really interactive and help extend learning beyond the walls of my classroom.  But I also learned that because there is so much I can do with it, I'll need to be very thoughtful of how I actually use it.  I don't want it to become one more place students spend all their time on.  I want to encourage smart use, not just use for the sake of using.  Secondly, I was very impressed with the privacy and permission levels I have control over.  I think this will be key to keeping my students safe on-line. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Like I said (typed) in the Voice Thread I'm really interested in a lot of the different technologies... Google Earth, Prezi, Glogger, GPS field trips, Social Networks and Google voice/video.  It's hard to choose.

I believe I've settled on Social Networks to connect my students with scientists and on Logger Pro to learn how to effectively use the probes and data in my classroom

Saturday, October 8, 2011


This video was posted by a teacher using material found from the multimedia CD that came with the textbook he uses in his classroom.  I think posting this on-line for others to use is in violation of copyright law because these video clips are being sold with textbooks to schools.  If you were to use this in your classroom from this Youtube clip, that would definitely be against fair use policy because you would be diminishing the commercial value of this publishers materials.

These high school biology students are pretty clever and entertaining.  As I watched I noticed that they followed copyright fair use practices with their music choices (only using pieces of songs) and their images. They made it for educational purposes, and in no way diminished the commercial value of the images or music they used.  I was hoping that at the end of their video they were going to have a sources cited slide... but they didn't.  So ultimately in the they did not follow the fair use guidelines because they did not site their sources.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Finished Class Website!

Finally a post on this blog!!!

I just finished my website. I'm particularly fond of it and have already started to think about how I can keep adding to it.  I'm excited to integrate more technology in my teaching.  Here's the link to my website:
Q: How do you think you will use your website in your own teaching? 

A: I feel like this will be a great place to post homework assignments.  I always hate typing in website address, so if I can post it as a link, then my students will be more likely to get to the right site.  I want to use my blog to be a launching place for my students as they continue learning about biology.  I've included helpful links for each topic that they can use as the do any background research for projects in class.  And a top priority for me is to connect my students to scientists and their current work.  I'm hoping that I can use our class website to do that through the blog.  I'll share current research findings, spotlight a researcher, have students post questions to have our scientists answer.

Q:What aspects of the website will be most useful for you, your students, and their parents?

A: Probably the most helpful to me will be to post assignments online.  I won't have to worry about making copies as much, or keeping copies for students who were absent.  I think it will also be useful to communicate with my parents.  For my students I think they'll appreciate that I'm integrating technology and other texts instead of just our text book.  I think that mirrors best how they learn and interact with information these days.  Students will probably find the calender and syllabus helpful as well.  As for my parents, I think they'll appreciate having clear, concise and consistent communication from the teacher.

As far as personalization...
  • I changed some of the fonts
  • I also imbeded some gadgets (electronmicroscope pictures, and marine weather station map) that are relevant to the courses I'm teaching.